

下面要做的一个游戏叫做 Star Guard,一款非常棒的独立游戏,画面非常有爱,难度不小,不过有无限生命可以玩。






(控制器Controller)- 负责转发请求,对请求进行处理。
(视图View) - 界面设计人员进行图形界面设计。
(模型Model) - 程序员编写程序应有的功能(实现算法等等)、数据库专家进行数据管理和数据库设计(可以实现具体的功能)。



package com.me.testgdxgame.model;  import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;  public class Block {  	public static final float SIZE = 1f; 	 	Vector2 	position = new Vector2(); 	Rectangle 	bounds = new Rectangle(); 	 	public Block(Vector2 pos) { 		this.position = pos; 		this.bounds.setX(pos.x); 		this.bounds.setY(pos.y); 		this.bounds.width = SIZE; 		this.bounds.height = SIZE; 	}  	public Vector2 getPosition() { 		return position; 	}  	public Rectangle getBounds() { 		return bounds; 	} }
package com.me.testgdxgame.model;  import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;  public class Bob {  	public enum State { 		IDLE, WALKING, JUMPING, DYING 	}  	public static final float SPEED = 4f;	// unit per second 	static final float JUMP_VELOCITY = 1f; 	public static final float SIZE = 0.5f; // half a unit  	Vector2 	position = new Vector2(); 	Vector2 	acceleration = new Vector2(); 	Vector2 	velocity = new Vector2(); 	Rectangle 	bounds = new Rectangle(); 	State		state = State.IDLE; 	boolean		facingLeft = true; 	float		stateTime = 0;  	public Bob(Vector2 position) { 		this.position = position; 		this.bounds.height = SIZE; 		this.bounds.width = SIZE; 	} 	public boolean isFacingLeft() { 		return facingLeft; 	} 	public void setFacingLeft(boolean facingLeft) { 		this.facingLeft = facingLeft; 	}  	public Vector2 getPosition() { 		return position; 	}  	public Vector2 getAcceleration() { 		return acceleration; 	}  	public Vector2 getVelocity() { 		return velocity; 	}  	public Rectangle getBounds() { 		return bounds; 	}  	public State getState() { 		return state; 	}  	public void setState(State newState) { 		this.state = newState; 	}  	public float getStateTime() { 		return stateTime; 	}   	public void update(float delta) { 		//stateTime += delta; 		//position.add(velocity.tmp().mul(delta));  		position.add(velocity.cpy().mul(delta)); 	} }
package com.me.testgdxgame.model;  import java.util.ArrayList;  import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;  public class World {  	/** The blocks making up the world **/ 	ArrayList
blocks = new ArrayList(); /** Our player controlled hero **/ Bob bob; // Getters ----------- public ArrayList
getBlocks() { return blocks; } public Bob getBob() { return bob; } // -------------------- public World() { createDemoWorld(); } private void createDemoWorld() { bob = new Bob(new Vector2(7, 2)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(i, 0))); blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(i, 6))); if (i > 2) blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(i, 1))); } blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(9, 2))); blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(9, 3))); blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(9, 4))); blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(9, 5))); blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(6, 3))); blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(6, 4))); blocks.add(new Block(new Vector2(6, 5))); } }


package com.me.testgdxgame.view;   import com.me.testgdxgame.*; import com.me.testgdxgame.model.Block; import com.me.testgdxgame.model.Bob; import com.me.testgdxgame.model.World; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.GL10; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.OrthographicCamera; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.glutils.ShapeRenderer; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.glutils.ShapeRenderer.ShapeType; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle;  public class WorldRenderer {  	private World world; 	private OrthographicCamera cam;  	private SpriteBatch spriteBatch; 	private boolean debug=false; 	private int width; 	private int height; 	private float ppuX; // pixels per unit on the X axis 	private float ppuY; // pixels per unit on the Y axis 	private static final float CAMERA_WIDTH = 10f; 	private static final float CAMERA_HEIGHT = 7f; 	/** Textures **/ 	private Texture bobTexture; 	private Texture blockTexture;    	/** for debug rendering **/ 	ShapeRenderer debugRenderer = new ShapeRenderer();  	public WorldRenderer(World world) { 		this.world = world; 		this.cam = new OrthographicCamera(10, 7); 		this.cam.position.set(5, 3.5f, 0); 		this.cam.update(); 		spriteBatch=new SpriteBatch(); 		loadTextures(); 	} 	public void setSize (int w, int h) { 		this.width = w; 		this.height = h; 		ppuX = (float)width / CAMERA_WIDTH; 		ppuY = (float)height / CAMERA_HEIGHT; 	}  	private void loadTextures(){ 		bobTexture=new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/bob_01.png")); 		blockTexture=new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/block.png")); 	}   	public void render() { 		spriteBatch.begin(); 		drawBlocks(); 		drawBob(); 		spriteBatch.end(); 		if(debug) drawDebug(); 	}  	private void  drawBlocks(){ 		for (Block block : world.getBlocks()) { 			spriteBatch.draw(blockTexture, block.getPosition().x * ppuX, block.getPosition().y * ppuY, Block.SIZE * ppuX, Block.SIZE * ppuY); 		} 	} 	private void drawBob(){ 		Bob bob = world.getBob(); 		spriteBatch.draw(bobTexture, bob.getPosition().x * ppuX, bob.getPosition().y * ppuY, Bob.SIZE * ppuX, Bob.SIZE * ppuY); 	}  	private void drawDebug(){ 		// render blocks 		debugRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined); 		debugRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Rectangle); 		for (Block block : world.getBlocks()) { 			Rectangle rect = block.getBounds(); 			float x1 = block.getPosition().x + rect.x; 			float y1 = block.getPosition().y + rect.y; 			debugRenderer.setColor(new Color(1, 0, 0, 1)); 			debugRenderer.rect(x1, y1, rect.width, rect.height); 		} 		// render Bob  		Bob bob = world.getBob(); 		Rectangle rect = bob.getBounds(); 		float x1 = bob.getPosition().x + rect.x; 		float y1 = bob.getPosition().y + rect.y; 		debugRenderer.setColor(new Color(0, 1, 0, 1)); 		debugRenderer.rect(x1, y1, rect.width, rect.height); 		debugRenderer.end(); 	} }


package com.me.testgdxgame.controller;  import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map;  import com.me.testgdxgame.model.Bob; import com.me.testgdxgame.model.Bob.State; import com.me.testgdxgame.model.World;  public class WorldController { 	 	enum Keys{ 		LEFT,RIGHT,JUMP,FIRE 	} 	private World world; 	private Bob bob; 	 	static Map
keys = new HashMap
(); static { keys.put(Keys.LEFT, false); keys.put(Keys.RIGHT, false); keys.put(Keys.JUMP, false); keys.put(Keys.FIRE, false); }; public WorldController(World w){ world=w; bob=world.getBob(); } //Key presses and touches public void leftPressed(){ keys.get(keys.put(Keys.LEFT, true)); } public void rightPressed() { keys.get(keys.put(Keys.RIGHT, true)); } public void jumpPressed() { keys.get(keys.put(Keys.JUMP, true)); } public void firePressed() { keys.get(keys.put(Keys.FIRE, false)); } public void leftReleased() { keys.get(keys.put(Keys.LEFT, false)); } public void rightReleased() { keys.get(keys.put(Keys.RIGHT, false)); } public void jumpReleased() { keys.get(keys.put(Keys.JUMP, false)); } public void fireReleased() { keys.get(keys.put(Keys.FIRE, false)); } public void update(float delta){ processInput(); bob.update(delta); } private void processInput(){ if(keys.get(Keys.LEFT)){ bob.setFacingLeft(true); bob.setState(State.WALKING); bob.getVelocity().x=-Bob.SPEED; } if (keys.get(Keys.RIGHT)) { // left is pressed bob.setFacingLeft(false); bob.setState(State.WALKING); bob.getVelocity().x = Bob.SPEED; } // need to check if both or none direction are pressed, then Bob is idle if ((keys.get(Keys.LEFT) && keys.get(Keys.RIGHT)) || (!keys.get(Keys.LEFT) && !(keys.get(Keys.RIGHT)))) { bob.setState(State.IDLE); // acceleration is 0 on the x bob.getAcceleration().x = 0; // horizontal speed is 0 bob.getVelocity().x = 0; } } }


package com.me.testgdxgame.screens;   import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.GL10; import com.me.testgdxgame.controller.WorldController; import com.me.testgdxgame.model.World; import com.me.testgdxgame.view.WorldRenderer;  public class GameScreen implements Screen ,InputProcessor{  	private WorldRenderer renderer; 	private World world; 	private WorldController controller; 	 	private int width, height;  	@Override 	public void render(float delta) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		 		Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1); 		Gdx.gl.glClear(GL10.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); 		 		controller.update(delta); 		renderer.render();  	}  	@Override 	public void resize(int width, int height) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		renderer.setSize(width, height); 		this.width=width; 		this.height=height; 	}  	@Override 	public void show() { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		world = new World(); 		renderer = new WorldRenderer(world); 		controller=new WorldController(world); 		Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); 	}  	@Override 	public void hide() { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(null); 	}  	@Override 	public void pause() { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 	}  	@Override 	public void resume() { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 	}  	@Override 	public void dispose() { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(null); 	}  	@Override 	public boolean keyDown(int keycode) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		if (keycode == Keys.LEFT) 			controller.leftPressed(); 		if (keycode == Keys.RIGHT) 			controller.rightPressed(); 		if (keycode == Keys.Z) 			controller.jumpPressed(); 		if (keycode == Keys.X) 			controller.firePressed(); 		return true; 	}  	@Override 	public boolean keyUp(int keycode) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		if (keycode == Keys.LEFT) 			controller.leftReleased(); 		if (keycode == Keys.RIGHT) 			controller.rightReleased(); 		if (keycode == Keys.Z) 			controller.jumpReleased(); 		if (keycode == Keys.X) 			controller.fireReleased(); 		return true; 	}  	@Override 	public boolean keyTyped(char character) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		return false; 	}  	@Override 	public boolean touchDown(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		if (x < width / 2 && y > height / 2) { 			controller.leftPressed(); 		} 		if (x > width / 2 && y > height / 2) { 			controller.rightPressed(); 		} 		return false; 	}  	@Override 	public boolean touchUp(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		if (x < width / 2 && y > height / 2) { 			controller.leftReleased(); 		} 		if (x > width / 2 && y > height / 2) { 			controller.rightReleased(); 		} 		return true; 	}  	@Override 	public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		return false; 	}  	@Override 	public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		return false; 	}  	@Override 	public boolean scrolled(int amount) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		return false; 	} }
这个类实现了Screen ,InputProcessor接口。


public class Main { 	public static void main(String[] args) { 		LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); 		cfg.title = "test-gdx-game"; 		cfg.useGL20 = false; 		cfg.width = 1024; 		cfg.height = 600; 		 		new LwjglApplication(new TestGdxGame(), cfg); 	} }
Main.java上右击->run as->java application.
public class MainActivity extends AndroidApplication {     @Override     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);                  AndroidApplicationConfiguration cfg = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();         cfg.useGL20 = false;                  initialize(new TestGdxGame(), cfg);     } }
run as->android application.

